Explore Our Mushrooms

Medicinal mushrooms have garnered considerable attention within the realm of natural health. People are increasingly acknowledging the diverse health advantages these fungi offer, encompassing improvements in physical, mental, and emotional well-being. For centuries, individuals across the globe have harnessed the healing potential of medicinal mushrooms. Below, you’ll find a selection of five mushrooms featured in our current product lineup.


The Chaga Mushroom, found in the cold, northern regions of the world, plays a vital role in natural medicine and functional wellness. This remarkable fungus is celebrated for its potential to provide an array of health benefits, with a primary focus on its antioxidant, immune-enhancing, and anti-inflammatory properties. Chaga’s importance lies in its ability to offer a potent dose of natural goodness from the heart of the forest, promising a healthier and more resilient you.


  • Antioxidant Powerhouse: Chaga is renowned for its high levels of antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress and cellular damage, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Immune System Support: The mushroom contains compounds that stimulate and strengthen the immune system, aiding the body in its defense against infections and illnesses.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Chaga’s anti-inflammatory potential may help reduce inflammation throughout the body, offering relief from various inflammatory conditions.

Where they grow:
Chaga mushrooms (Inonotus obliquus) are typically found growing in cold, northern regions of the world, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere. They are most commonly found in boreal forests in countries such as Canada, Russia, Northern Europe, and parts of the United States, including Alaska. Chaga grows on the bark of birch trees, often as a black, charcoal-like mass with a crusty appearance.


Color Flavor Aroma
Brown Nutty/Earthy Mild/Nutty

Active Compounds: Beta-(1,3)(1,6)-glucan: 32.2%


The Cordyceps Mushroom, with its unique origin as a parasitic fungus that invades insects, stands out as a prized gem in the realm of natural remedies and functional wellness. This extraordinary fungus, found primarily in the high-altitude regions of Asia, has earned a special place for its potential to offer a diverse range of health benefits. Cordyceps is celebrated for its remarkable ability to boost energy, enhance endurance, and provide respiratory support, making it a cherished ally for those seeking natural solutions to optimize their vitality and well-being.

Key Benefits:

  • Energy and Endurance: Cordyceps is known for its remarkable ability to boost adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production, the fundamental energy currency of the body, resulting in increased energy levels, improved endurance, and enhanced overall vitality. Making it a go-to choice for athletes and active individuals.
  • Respiratory Health: Scientific studies have shown Cordyceps’ capacity to support lung and respiratory function, potentially offering relief for conditions like asthma and chronic bronchitis.
  • Immune System Support: Cordyceps possesses immune-boosting properties, helping the body defend against infections and diseases. This makes it a valuable addition for those looking to enhance their overall health and well-being.

Where They Grow:
Cordyceps mushrooms (Cordyceps species) have a fascinating life cycle and are typically found in high-altitude regions of Asia, including the Himalayas, Tibetan Plateau, and parts of China. These unique fungi are known to infect and parasitize insects, such as caterpillars, using them as hosts. While Cordyceps primarily have a wild habitat, they are also cultivated for commercial and medicinal purposes.


Color Flavor Aroma
Brown Mild/Earthy Mild

Active Compounds: Beta-(1,3)(1,6)-glucan: 25.0%

Lion’s Mane

Lion’s Mane, a well-regarded nootropic, stands out for its exceptional capacity to stimulate NGF (nerve growth factor) production and provide neural protection. This remarkable fungus exhibits a wide array of pharmacological attributes, demonstrating antibiotic, anticancer, and neuroprotective potential. Moreover, it exhibits the ability to modulate lipid and glucose metabolism while serving as a potent agent against gastric ulceration. Beyond this, Lion’s Mane excels in its potential to mitigate anxiety and depression, fortify cognitive functionality, and deliver anti-fatigue and anti-aging benefits.

Key Benefits:

  • Cognitive Enhancement: Lion’s Mane has the potential to boost mental clarity, concentration, and cognitive function, making it a compelling choice for those seeking cognitive enhancement.
  • Nerve Regeneration: The mushroom’s ability to support nerve regeneration is a promising aspect, offering hope for those with nerve-related conditions.
  • Mood Support: Lion’s Mane may help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, contributing to improved emotional well-being.

Where they Grow:
Lion’s Mane mushrooms (Hericium erinaceus) are primarily found in various parts of North America, Europe, and Asia. In the wild, you can find Lion’s Mane mushrooms on a variety of hardwoods, including oak, beech, maple, and birch trees, typically trees that are decaying or dead wood. 


Color Flavor Aroma
Brown Nutty/Earthy Mild/Earthy

Active Compounds: Beta-(1,3)(1,6)-glucan: 30.0%


The Reishi Mushroom, revered as the “Mushroom of Immortality” in traditional Chinese medicine, holds a significant place in the world of holistic wellness. This mushroom has been cultivated for over 2,000 years in traditional Chinese medicine.This awe-inspiring fungus, with its distinctive kidney-shaped cap and glossy, reddish-brown appearance, has been celebrated for centuries for its potential to enhance vitality and promote overall well-being. Reishi’s importance is highlighted by its role in supporting immune health, reducing inflammation, and potentially providing relief from various health conditions, making it a cherished addition to the realm of natural remedies.
Key Benefits:

  • Immune System Enhancement: Reishi is renowned for its immune-boosting properties, stimulating the body’s defense mechanisms and potentially aiding in the fight against infections and diseases.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Power: Scientific studies have demonstrated Reishi’s anti-inflammatory potential, which may help reduce inflammation in the body, offering relief from various inflammatory conditions.
  • Stress Reduction and Improved Mental Health: Reishi is known for its adaptogenic qualities, potentially reducing stress and anxiety, and improving mental well-being. This, coupled with its potential to enhance sleep quality, makes it a holistic remedy for overall health and balance.

Where they grow:
Reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum) are typically found growing on decaying hardwood trees and logs, particularly in various parts of Asia, including China, Japan, and Korea. They are known to thrive in warm and humid environments, often in subtropical or temperate regions.


Color Flavor Aroma
Brown Slightly bitter/

Active Compounds: Beta-(1,3)(1,6)-glucan: 35.0%

Turkey Tail

The Turkey Tail Mushroom, with its vibrant, multicolored fan-shaped caps, holds a significant place in the realm of natural remedies and functional wellness. This remarkable fungus is highly esteemed for its potential to offer a diverse range of health benefits, particularly in its ability to support immune health and potentially combat various diseases. Turkey Tail’s importance is underscored by its role as a source of hope for those seeking natural, holistic solutions to enhance their well-being.

Key Benefits:

  • Immune System Support: Turkey Tail is celebrated for its immune-boosting properties, with research suggesting that it can enhance the body’s defense mechanisms, potentially aiding in the fight against infections and diseases.
  • Anticancer Potential: Scientific studies have highlighted Turkey Tail’s potential in cancer therapy, particularly as an adjuvant treatment, with its compounds showing promise in reducing tumor growth and improving overall outcomes.
  • Gut Health Enhancement: This mushroom may contribute to a healthier gut by promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, potentially supporting digestion and overall gastrointestinal well-being.

Where they grow:

Turkey Tail mushrooms (Trametes versicolor) are widely distributed and can be found in various parts of the world, particularly in North America, Europe, and Asia. They grow on dead or decaying hardwood trees, logs, and branches, typically in forested areas. Their name “turkey tail” comes from their fan-shaped caps, which feature concentric rings and often display a mix of colors resembling the pattern of a turkey’s tail feathers


Color Flavor Aroma
Brown Mild/Earthy Mild

Active Compounds: Beta-(1,3)(1,6)-glucan: 25.0%